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Changing the legend in excel is a task that can be accomplished in just a few simple steps, as shown below:

How do i change the legend direction in excel. Whether you want to rename a series for clarity or update information, it only takes a few clicks. For additional editing options, or to modify legend entries without affecting the worksheet data, you can make changes to the legend entries in the select data source dialog box. To change the legend name, you need to open the excel spreadsheet that contains the chart with the legend you want to change.

How to edit legend? Rotate a pie chart in excel to any angle you like. Modify worksheet orientation to better fit chart.

Try the following steps and check if it helps: It involves selecting the chart, editing the series name in the select data source menu, and then updating the text in the legend. Legends can be customized by changing the layout, position or format.

There are many ways you can edit a legend in excel. Check legend from the list; Identify the data instead with labels attached to the data series.

Changing legend positions on excel charts. Follow these simple steps and you’ll have customized legend text in no time. · under the axis options and uncheck the categories in reverse order option.

Change legend position in a graph. On the right of the chart, click chart element button; How can i change the direction of chart legend in excel?

You can first click your chart to see what cells within your data are included in your legend. The legend will automatically reorient based on your choice. Please follow steps below to change legend position:

Rotate excel chart to any angle with camera tool to. In this method, we will use the select data option to change the legend title in excel. Click on the entry you want to move in the legend entries (series) box.

Once you have opened it, locate the chart where you would like to change the legend name. It is very easy to change the legend position in excel. Just click on the legend, and drag it by its edges to a new location.

Click the up or down arrows in the box to change the position of the legend. Click on more options for more position settings for your legends in the right window pane called format legends. This method needs no edit or change in the data table, rather it simply changes the legend title.

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